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I am giving it a try.?

NatureWood® CA … copper naphthenate, oxine copper, or zinc naphthena?

It is not standardized for use in saltwater applications. This Limited Warranty will not cover Douglas-Fir and Hem-Fir treated Severe Weather Wood Product for which there is no evidence that an endcoat wood preservative was applied in accordance with the copper naphthenate, oxine copper, or zinc naphthenate products. Provides permanent protection for wood and canvas against rot and mildew. Lowe’s is one of the most popular home improvement stores in the United States. banning jail 9% pure copper for a long and durable product life Like Copper Naphthenate, borates are effective against fungal and insect attack in poles. Borates also have an advantage because they diffuse well throughout the interior of the pole. Oct 16, 2009 · I've searched the archives on the subject of copper naphthenate as a wood preservative, specifically for hive bodies. In today’s digital age, online payment options have become increasingly popular and convenient. skip the games st louis For best results make sure your wood is bone dry so it’ll absorb as much copper green as possible & coat 2 times waiting an hour or so before second coat. On the contrary, numerous field tests by a number of researchers1 have documented the simple fact that copper naphthenate performs and that poles properly treated with copper naphthenate will meet the industry life expectancy of 35+ years. Learn more about Copper Naphthenates. Copper naphthenate is listed in AWPA standards for treatment of major softwood species that are used for a variety of wood products. casey county ky mugshots The minimum recommendation is 2% copper metal with 1% copper naphthenate appropriate in those regions of the country where the higher concentration material is not readily available. ….

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